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Exploring Networks Across Sectors and Establishing a European Community

This is the “info pack” web page for the event “Exploring Networks Across Sectors and Establishing a European Community”.

The portuguese agency (ANE+EF), in partnership with the italian agency (INDIRE), host the event that brings together experts, academics, and representatives from various organisations to discuss the importance of civic engagement and the promotion of democracy in educational contexts.

INFO (maps)

P.E.A.C.E. | Participation Erasmus Alumni for Civic Engagement

The event is part of the LTA PEACE (Learning Through Action for Participatory European Citizenship) initiative, which aims to strengthen active citizenship and social cohesion in Europe. LTA PEACE is a key component of the European Union’s efforts to promote an inclusive and participatory European education space.

Over three days, participants have the opportunity to share experiences, explore best practices, and build collaborative networks across different sectors. The programmed sessions cover topics such as civic participation in Erasmus+ projects, current democratic challenges, and the creation of ambassador networks to promote civic engagement.

About the event

The event will take place at the Polytechnic University of Lisbon campus, between the ESELx – Lisbon School of Education and ESML – Lisbon School of Music.

Wi-fi – User: erasmus@eselx.local | Password: GE2U

All meals will be provided and food restrictions considered. The exception is the dinner on November, 1st that will be on your own cost.

On this link you can check the weather forecast.


Thursday, 31st October

09:00 | Registration and Welcome Coffee – ESELx – Lisbon School of Education

10:00 | Official opening

Ana Cristina Miranda Perdigão holds a degree in Law and a master’s in European studies – Legal Dominant, from the Institute of European Studies at the Catholic University of Portugal. She is a Coordinator Professor at the Polytechnic University of Lisbon (IPL), having taught, throughout her career, courses in European Union Law, European Competition Law, and Civil Procedural Law.
Between 2009 and 2012, she served as Vice-President of the Lisbon Accounting and Business School (ISCAL), an organic unit of IPL, which she has been associated with since 1991. She was Vice-President of IPL from 2012 to 2020, where she was responsible for areas related to internationalization, academic affairs, and quality and accreditation. She oversaw the definition and implementation of the strategy for the execution of the Erasmus+ Programme, ensuring the quality of European and international cooperation activities.
Cristina Perdigão has been the Director of the National Agency for Erasmus+ Education and Training since 14 September 2020.

11:00 | Session 1 – Democracy – The Portuguese Example

Maria Inácia Rezola holds a degree in History (1990), a master’s degree in 19th and 20th Century History (1995), and a PhD in History, specializing in Institutional and Contemporary Political History (2004) from the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Appointed in April 2022 as the executive commissioner of the Estrutura de Missão das Comemorações do Quinquagésimo Aniversário da Revolução de 25 de Abril de 1974 (Mission Structure for the Commemorations of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the 25th of April 1974 Revolution), she has been a lecturer at the Escola Superior de Comunicação Social do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa since 1997. She coordinated the research groups “Comparative Political History – Regimes, Transitions, Colonialism and Memory” (2016-2019) and “Revolution and Democracy” (2008-2012) at the Instituto de História Contemporânea – FCSH/UNL, a research unit of the FCT – I&D, where she has been a researcher since 1995 and was part of its board during two periods (2005-2011 and 2016-2021).
She is the author of works such as Os Militares na Revolução de Abril. O Conselho da Revolução e a Transição para a Democracia em Portugal (1974-1976) (The Military in the April Revolution. The Council of the Revolution and the Transition to Democracy in Portugal (1974-1976), Campo da Comunicação, 2006); 25 de Abril – Mitos de uma Revolução (25th of April – Myths of a Revolution, Esfera dos Livros, 2007); Melo Antunes, uma biografia política (Melo Antunes, a Political Biography, Âncora, 2012), and co-coordinator of the Dicionário de História de Portugal – o 25 de Abril. 8 Vols. (Dictionary of Portuguese History – the 25th of April, 8 Vols., Figueirinhas, 2016-2018).

12:00 | Energizer, Ricardo SEPIE

12:30 | Session 2 – How to promote civic participation in Erasmus+ projects and organizations

Joana has been engaged in internationalization, education, and youth work for over 10 years, through diverse volunteer and professional experiences and her academic research on Erasmus+ as a tool to address social inequalities and foster citizenship. She is an active advocate for widening and diversifying access to participation opportunities by ensuring clear and inclusive processes. At SALTO PI, she dedicates to strategic support to National Agencies’ and their stakeholders in working with the priority of democratic participation in Erasmus+ and team coordination.

13:00 | Lunch – ESELx – Lisbon School of Education

14:00 | Site Visit – Transportation to downtown

20:00 | Dinner – Casa do Alentejo

Video of the day

Friday, 1st November

09:30 | Registration – ESELx – Lisbon School of Education

10:00 | Energizer

10:15 | Session 3 – How to engage civically?

Paul Blokker holds a PhD from the European University Institute in Florence. He is full professor of Political Sociology at the Department of Sociology and Business Law at the University of Bologna. His research focuses on the sociology of constitutions, the sociology of human rights, constitutional politics, European integration, democratic participation, populism and social and constitutional imaginaries. He is co-editor of the European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology and the International Journal of Social Imaginaries.

11:00 | Coffee Break

11:45 | Session 4 – Democratic approach

Esteban Scuzarello holds a BA in International Studies (Di Tella University-Argentina) and a MA in Transnational Governance with specialization in Migration (EUI-Italy). He is currently a PhD researcher at the EUI where he works on refugee status determination processes and the impact of identity.

12:30 | Lunch

14:30 | Session 5 – Different types of Ambassadors Networks – How can we promote it?

Rita is 28 years old and hails from the coast of Portugal. She holds a bachelor’s in political science and international Relations and a master’s in public policy. Rita completed her Erasmus in Leuven, Belgium, and gained professional experience working at the United States Embassy in Lisbon in 2018 and at the Political Observatory in the Association for Political Studies and Scientific Research in 2020.
Rita joined ESN in 2018 when she moved to Lisbon to begin her Master’s. She has held several positions within the network, including President of ESN Portugal and Liaison Officer for Inclusive Mobility. As President, she is responsible for the overall coordination of the organisation, as well as external relations, policy, and advocacy. Her main priorities include increasing participation in learning mobility and promoting civic engagement and youth participation through Erasmus.

Carme Palmero Ballester, Liege Royal Conservatoire, Belgium
Constantine Eroyan, Tbilisi State Conservatoire, Georgia
The Erasmus Orchestra (EO) is the first and unique orchestra composed of Erasmus students from European Conservatoires and Music Institutes.
It is a promotional initiative launched in 2017 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus Programme, by the Erasmus+ Italian National Agency INDIRE.
Since its debut the performances of the Erasmus Orchestra have obtained great success of audience and interest from media and institutions. This has led the INDIRE’s Erasmus+ Italian National Agency to invest further in the future of the project.
For its development, the Agency started an international collaboration with the European Association of Conservatoires – AEC.

Mobility advisor for KA1 VET and co-responsible for the „EuroApprentices – Erasmus+ ambassadors in VET“ network. Unit Mobility and Internationalisation in VET at NA BIBB (DE02, Germany).

Valentina Presa has a European Law Studies background; after an Erasmus exchange at the ULB of Brussels, she engaged in the Erasmus Student Network, joining both the local and national boards of the association, organising events and coordinating the membership.
An expert in project applications and management, she has been the Director of the Union of European Federalists until 2020 (Bruxelles), while volunteering for garagErasmus Foundation as project manager since 2017.
She’s now the Director of garagErasmus Foundation, managing the secretariats, applications for funding, implementation, follow up and networking for European Projects.

16:30 | Transportation to Belém

17:00 | Network – Cultural experience with ESN (Erasmus Student Network)

19:00 | Free night

Video of the day

Saturday, 2st November

09:30 | Registration – ESELx – Lisbon School of Education

10:00 | Working Groups – Challenges of the democracies and civic engagement

11:00 | Cooffee break

11:30 | Working Groups (cont.)

12:30 | Conclusions (plennary)

13:30 | Lunch – ESELx – Lisbon School of Education

15:30 | Next steps “ROME”

17:00 | Closing remaks

Ana Cristina Miranda Perdigão holds a degree in Law and a master’s in European studies – Legal Dominant, from the Institute of European Studies at the Catholic University of Portugal. She is a Coordinator Professor at the Polytechnic University of Lisbon (IPL), having taught, throughout her career, courses in European Union Law, European Competition Law, and Civil Procedural Law.
Between 2009 and 2012, she served as Vice-President of the Lisbon Accounting and Business School (ISCAL), an organic unit of IPL, which she has been associated with since 1991. She was Vice-President of IPL from 2012 to 2020, where she was responsible for areas related to internationalization, academic affairs, and quality and accreditation. She oversaw the definition and implementation of the strategy for the execution of the Erasmus+ Programme, ensuring the quality of European and international cooperation activities.
Cristina Perdigão has been the Director of the National Agency for Erasmus+ Education and Training since 14 September 2020.

17:15 | Erasmus Orchestra in Concert – ESML – Lisbon School of Music

Video of the day

Locations and Maps

ESELx | Lisbon School of Education

ESML | Lisbon School of Music

Casa do Alentejo

Largo do Carmo (site visit | 31st October)

Belém - Cultural experience (meeting point | 1st November)

Contacts and Support

Important Reminders

Please be ponctual for all sessions and activities.

Ensure to carry identification at all times.

For any assistance please ask to one of the orzanitation contacts:

Tiago Diniz:

+351 910 567 143

António Lima:

+351 939 114 923

Pedro Miguel Silva:

+351 966 702 234

Emergency Numbers

Emergency Services (Police, Fire, Medical)

112 (European emergency number)

© 2022 – Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação e Formação